Cat Kid – Short Story

There was once a toddler, known as the Cat Kid. He lived in the land of Wathallow, far away from earth. His appearance was odd, even to his pale-skinned, elven community. His hair was fire orange with streaks of sunflower yellow and speckled with brown and grey spots. His pupils are tiny black slits surrounded by the brightest blue shade anyone had ever seen. Ever since he was born, he has been an outcast. His parents were shocked by his appearance and refused to name him, thus the nickname Cat Kid. 

By the age of fire, Cat Kid’s parents abandoned him due to his bizarre behavior. His constant need to climb or the fact his spine bent in ways normal elves weren’t used to. He attempted to be normal, but no one accepted him. Through school, he didn’t have a single friend. That is until he received a visit from a peculiar looking man. His classmates stare as the human man with dark brown hair approaches Cat Kid. The man is wearing a dark jacket with matching slacks and bright red boots that match his dress shirt underneath. “May I sit?” he asks, standing beside Cat Kid.

Cat Kid stares at him with terrified eyes but doesn’t respond. The man nods, and sits down anyway causing him to panic. Cat Kid slides quickly to the far end of the table, refusing to take his eyes off the man “I’m not here to hurt you, I want to help,” the man explains cautiously.

Cat Kid just stares at him, unsure why anyone would want to talk to him. The man removes his dark shades and carefully puts them away. “You’re different, kid,” he says. “You don’t belong here.”

The man waves his hands to display the cafeteria behind him. “You should be where special kids are welcome,” he adds. “Where you have friends and can make a difference.”

Cat Kid’s ears perk up and he nods, hesitantly. He glances down at his sharp fingernails then back to the man. His gaze travels across the room where everyone, including the teachers, are frozen, their eyes locked on him. Cat Kid freezes, causing the man to glance at all the eyes behind him. “Would you like to go discuss this elsewhere?” he offers and Cat Kid nods.

The man stands up and motions for him to follow. Cat Kid eagerly jumps up and follows him outside where a large helicopter is parked. “I’m Tony,” the man says, holding out his hand.

Cat Kid hesitates then shakes his hand. “Cat Kid,” he replies, lowly.

“Well Cat Kid,” the man pauses. “I run a home for special kids who help protect the world.”

Cat Kid stares at the helicopter and replies, “I’m not special.”

“You are, and I want to show you how.” the man states. “Will you come with me?”

Cat Kid glances at the door behind him, where several faces stare then nods. The duo loads into the helicopter and flies away. This was the last time Cat Kid stepped foot in his elven community, but it wasn’t the last time they heard about him.

A year after Cat Kid left, his community is attacked by greedy Orcs wanting their land. The elf army tries to fight them off but doesn’t stand a chance. In their final attempt to hold off the Orcs, the elves line up just outside their community gates with every man and weapon they could find. The elves begin to fall, and the king prepares to surrender. Suddenly, the lead orc falls and screams in pain. He grabs a lump from his back and throws a large six-armed creature away from him. The creature lands on his two feet and grins. There is a loud rustle in the trees above him, and a slender assailant launches down at the second orc. He slashes the orc’s face with his fingernails then launches up the nearby tree. The assailant launches back down and claws the next orc while his teammate digs his fangs into the last attacker. 

The elf army freezes, as their enemies fall at their feet. Their eyes are locked on the two unknown heroes who approach them. “You should be safe now,” the six-armed man says, slipping his jacket on to hide four of his arms.

“Thu-Thank you,” the elven king says, nodding.

The second assailant approaches and when his face is hit by the dim light, the king gasps. He stares into the bright blue eyes of his savior. “Cat Kid?” he gasps.

A confident smirk forms on the hero’s face. “My name’s Ian,” he states with a wink.

The elf king nods, slowly, his eyes wide and mouth hangs open. Ian nudges his partner and nods toward the darkness. They both launch into the air and scramble up the trees, disappearing into the darkness. The elf king stares in amazement as the outcast rescues those who outcast him. From that moment on, the elves worshipped Cat Kid as their guardian and knew whenever they needed him, he would be there. 

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