What better day to look for my lost keys than today? It is rainy, muddy, and warm. I’m in a light pink dress blouse and white slacks that quickly expose my bra and underwear. I shuffle through the puddle riddled parking lot attempting to find my keyfob and house key. I just got off work, and scoured my desk for them, but had zero success. I worried I locked my keys in the car, but after waiting an hour and a half for Pop-a-Lock, I still couldn’t find them.
It’s now seven-twenty, and miserably wet outside. It’s a typical summer storm, but I’m pretty sure it’s a cruel joke to torture me. My black and pink converse are soaked with mud as I shift my hands along the ground.
From my car to the front door is a straight path through a small patch of grass and dirt walkway. “What did you lose?” a very attractive male voice asks, catching my attention.
My gaze travels upward and finds Alex, my crush, who is finally leaving work.
I sigh, knowing I look pathetic. “Oh-Uh,” I stammer, nervously. “My..”
I take a step toward him, and my footing slips. I stepped on a large flat rock that is hidden below the grass. My right foot slips forward and before I can react, I slide into a split. Mud soaks deep into my pants and I can feel my face burn red with embarrassment. My gaze scans toward Alex who tries to hide his laughter. He reaches down and I pathetically grab his hand to get to my feet. I wipe my mud covered hands on my equally dirty pants and freeze. A lump in my pocket alerts me. My fingers slide into my right pocket and pull out my keys. My eyes widen then drop to the wet key fob. “I have to go!” I exclaim, stomping through the mud toward my car. I slam open the door and drop inside. I slam my fists into the steering wheel then look in my rearview mirror. Alex is laughing as he walks toward his pickup truck that is parked next to mine. He leans down toward my window and waves.
I throw my car in reverse and splash mud all over him as I race to get away. As I drive, I text my supervisor to let her know that I will be sick tomorrow. Even though I don’t plan on ever going back!