Savior Protocol – Stranger Prompts

The rain pelted against the window pane almost as if in anger. Zenith sits restlessly in his faded blue office chair that is riddled in rips and stains. He stares at the blank white computer screen in front of him like he has done every night since the first occurrence. His golden brown eyes trail toward the vintage clock beside him. It’s four minutes until midnight, and Zenith can feel his heart pulsating in his temples. His breath quivers as the time changes. His left hand begins tapping anxiously as his gaze travels back to the blank screen in front of him. “Please make this one quick,” he mumbles, chugging a glass of water as the time clicks one minute closer. 

    The next minute flashes by and suddenly Zenith feels sick. He grabs his chest in pain and his usually pale white face glows with a red tint. His brown pupils disappear as his head tips back and his eyes roll into his head. His body starts shaking violently and foam pools in his mouth. He chokes and the white light from the computer fades to green. The light brightens and engulfs Zenith’s body before fading. The light fades back to white, but Zenith is gone. Words type across the screen, “Savior protocol initiated in Ekhart Valley.”

    Zenith drops onto his knees into a pile of dark brown hay. He coughs and slowly rises to his feet. He grabs his heart and shakes his sweat soaked head while taking a deep breath. “Oh dear,” a woman’s voice says, seeing the guns and vest strapped to his body. “Someone’s in danger?”

    Zenith turns around and nods to the stranger. “You are, ma’am,” he replies.

    The middle aged woman with caramel skin and sharply pointed ears gasps. “Me?!” she replies, shook.

    “Yes ma’am,” he replies, handing her a small sheet of paper.
    “Yani Willow, Ekhard Valley.” she reads, her eyes glued open. “Threat; Sayo Attack.”

    Yani’s shoulders drop in disbelief. Her gaze travels from the card to Zenith, who quickly grabs her hand. “Come with me,” he instructs.

    Zenith leads Yani into her house and shuts the doors. He rushes around the three bedroom home and pulls the curtains shut. “What do we do?” she asks, worry filling her uniquely pink eyes.

    “You need to sit and relax,” he instructs.

    Yani nods, following Zenith back to the living room. She sits down, and anxiously watches Zenith. “What are you going to do?” she asks, her hand fidgeting on the arm of the couch.

    Zenith peers out the window then his head snaps back to Yani. “I’m going to save you!” he exclaims.

–To Be Continued–

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