
In life, we have moments of disappointment. Moments that we wait months and years for, only to have them ruined in a blink of an eye. Take Space X’s Falcon 9 Dragon launch for example. Millions waited hours on the Space Coast to watch the historic manned rocket launch. The crews of NASA and Space X worked tirelessly to make it happen safely. At t-minus seventeen minutes, the launch was scrubbed due to weather. The disappointment echoed from Florida’s Space Coast and around the world. However, it will fade and the excitement will return feverishly.

In life, the reaction is the same. It’s understandable to feel disappointed, but we have to find that excitement again. We have to allow ourselves to look into the future and know it will happen. The Dragon will launch, America will send astronauts to space, and your moment will happen. Today was just not the right day. The weather in your life violated strict guidelines to allow your launch to occur, but give it time and the conditions will be right!

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